A Business Paradigm

If you are working a Network Marketing Business…
here’s something to think about…

Do we in the Network Marketing world have the RECRUITING PROCESS UPSIDE-DOWN?

Q: What is the “TRADITIONAL” process?

A: “Let me tell you how you could make some serious money by sharing with your friends, family and even strangers about this fabulous product / service, which they will love.”

Quick Thought… How is that working out for you?

Q: What is the “NEW” recruiting process that produces faster SIGN-UPS and much better RETENTION?

A: “Did you know that people who run a part-time business from home get more tax deductions than any other category of taxpayer?

In fact, even someone who just began a home-based business, can usually see their take-home pay INCREASE by about $300 per month. This happens due to your new home-based business tax deductions. This is a process we call the W4 Program, which lowers your payroll withholding. The less that comes out of your wages for taxes, the bigger your take-home paycheck.”


1. Your recruit start asking tax-related questions. You explain how your business works using the IRS tax code to help finance and pay for your business expenses. YOU respond by giving them a brochure, CD or self-help book that will have their answers in it.

2. Your recruit ask if you have any ideas on how they could get started in a home-based business. YOU explain that your business or opportunity is working for you and you would be proud to have them as a team member.


STEP ONE: You helped a person understand a Problem they didn’t know they had…overpaying taxes.

STEP TWO: You helped them with a Solution… a home-based business would reduce their taxes.

STEP THREE: You helped them Qualify for the tax deductions… show them what you are doing and inviting them to join you in your business.

Finally, instead of “selling them” on joining your business opportunity, you are simply explaining “how too” use your business process, to help them join and and they are grateful for the education and opportunity.


If the recruit is a W2 income, explain the W4 Program and show “How Too” finance the opportunity with no paycheck – out of packet expenses.

Doesn’t it sound easier to Solve a Problem rather that to Create one, like in the “traditional” way?

This change will allow YOU to create the ultimate paradigm shift…

Solve before Selling

Important Tips:

New rec recruits will especially love this approach, because it removes ALL Risk-of-Rejection – even in Cold Market recruiting!

The Solve before Selling Process is used as an introduction to cold markets with high success rates and minimal first contact time.

Solve before Selling is non-confrontational…you are offering a helping hand and not a give-me hand.

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